Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mattress shopping

 I recently went mattress shopping.  Since we spend about 1/3 of our day on our mattress, I thought it important to be thorough.  So I went to 4 different mattress stores to investigate which mattress would be best for my sleep hygiene.  I talked to the "evangelists" (salesmen) in each store; I listened to "eye-witnesses"(both in person and online) who gave their testimonial as to the benefits/drawbacks of their mattresses; and I personally tested the different mattresses to see which one I preferred the most.  Then, after discussing the options with my wife, we made the commitment to purchase what seemed to be the best bed for us (although we were not 100% certain). 

If  choosing a bed could inspire that kind of careful scrutiny, then choosing a leader who will impact our entire life and eternity deserves careful investigation.  After his resurrection, Jesus' followers worked through their doubts about him.  They needed some evidence.  Have you done your own investigation of the evidence of the resurrection?  This is too big of an issue to put on a back-burner.  Talk to an "evangelist" (somebody who's already bought into following Jesus Christ); talk to "witnesses" who've experienced him for themselves;  test the faith for yourself.  Then, when you're ready, make a commitment of faith in him.  You don't have to be 100% certain, either (that's why they call it "faith", not "certain").  As a witness myself I believe you'll be satisfied with top-of-the-line spiritual hygiene.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Weighty Word

I recently spoke with a friend of mine about his ministry of church-planting.  He has planted thousands of churches in the Philippines, Indonesia, Africa, South America, and elsewhere.  His approach is different.  He takes the words of John 17 very seriously, where Jesus talks about his followers being one so that the world may believe that the Father sent Jesus into the world.  My friend has taken Jesus' words and applied it to a church planting model:  Bringing together believers and pastors from different traditions to plant churches.

As I listened to him I thought to myself, "He takes Jesus' words in John 17 more seriously than I do.  To my friend they've got weight.  For me, John 17 is nice in an ecumenical service (kind of a Gospel-lite), while he's changing the world with them."  Isn't it true that we can read God's Word the way we read letters to the editor?  "Yeah, I like that teaching (because I agree with it or it makes me feel good)" or "No, I'll bypass that teaching (since it makes me uncomfortable or  doesn't make much sense in my world)".

Well, how about reading it as if it's actually true?  God's Word represents reality, and reality bears out the truth of God's Word.  My friend is proving it:  When believers are one, Jesus is glorified and people are drawn to him.  God's Word is far weightier than letters to the editor.  Why not let it have its "weight" with us?

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I'm at a different place in life right now--there's lots of stuff going on that doesn't fit into my sequential, linear way of doing things.  I have more responsibility, which has had the effect of making me feel like one of those cartoon characters with dazed eyes and  little birds swirling around their head. 

So I've had to take a new approach:  1-day-at-a-time.  I ask God  for grace for each day's load, and it's been good.  I'm staying in the moment, getting things done, while staying fresh in the process.  I'm not thinking as much about the future and enjoying the present more.  It fits with what Jesus instructed us to do, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will woryy about itself.  Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Mt. 6:34)

I realize that there's a place for planning for the future, but doing so while missing the present I don't believe is the Jesus way.   As with all of his instruction, it's so much more liberating.  I highly recommend it.  Blessings.
